
Free online class on crowdfunding 4 film from US based platform Seed & Spark. Advice is relevant for all types of film makers all over the world.

Find European platforms focused on film on Crowdfunding4Culture's website here.

This European level ecosystem provides an online and onsite environment, building on and interconnecting existing local ecosystems, hubs and initiatives, in order to setup a runway for web entrepreneurs to start and scaleup a business in Europe and grow internationally. This will help web-entrepreneurs to develop and scale up their ideas and businesses, from a business international validation phase, to internationalization, access to finance and to business growth, thus complementing the service offer currently made available at local ecosystems level.

The Study “Assessing the potential for crowdfunding and other forms of alternative finance to support research and innovation” was initiated by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research & Innovation (DG RTD) in December 2015.

The study, aimed at delivering thorough, holistic picture on the potential of crowdfunding to improve access to risk finance in the EU for, in particular SMEs and midcaps, revolves around three main objectives:

As part of £125,000 extra funding to support individual artists, has launched tips and trick videos on youtube for literature, visual arts, heritage and more... 

Crowdfunding Berlin is a joint project organised by the Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research (Projekt Zukunft) in cooperation with Creative City Berlin and Kubinaut – Navigation Kulturelle Bildung. It involves funding platforms, on which projects from Berlin run their campaings as well as crowdfunding institutions and networks active in Berlin and beyond. In order to support the crowdfunding community, Crowdfunding Berlin shares a list of useful resources with its followers. We are now making them available to all of you.

When it comes to getting a new product off the ground, raising money for a cause, exploring growth opportunities for your small business and building your brand, crowdfunding offers a nontraditional way to reach non-conventional investors.

This guide is aimed at entrepreneurs, businesspeople and companies, especially small and medium enterprises. However, the information provided is relevant for all creative professionals and cultural organisations of al sizes who are thinking about new ways of financing an idea, business or have heard about crowdfunding and want to learn more.

The Flemish Heritage Library has developed an online toolbox for crowdfunding in the cultural sector. Everyone considering crowdfunden can quickly and easily get started with this guide. is for creative, performing and teaching artists from different disciplines, for auxiliary professions in the performing arts, and for heritage specialists. already helps to guide students during their study in the business aspect of their future field of work. The site also offers practical information for graduates about starting their own professional practice as freelancers or in paid employment. is a website of the Amsterdam University of the Arts.

The European Crowdfunding Network AISBL (ECN) is the professional network promoting adequate transparency, (self) regulation and governance while offering a combined voice in policy discussion and public opinion building,  incorporated as an international not-for-profit organisation in Brussels, Belgium.


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